We Invite You to Join the Crescendo Chorus Community of Investors

Crescendo Chorus

Investment Community



Jason Liptak & Jake Dale
Daniel Dunlop



Tony Conway - Legendary Events


Dr. Maureen Dinges
The Svane Family Foundation
Anonymous Donor
YFCB Fund for Good
Dick Johnson
Neil Hediger


Nathaniel Hodges
Cameron Lee and Kristy Towry
Ames Studios
Avison Young
Elisa Fay
The Williams Family


Ben & Courtney Adcock
Charlotte Schroeder
House of Heralds
Huiling Chen and Sharon Zealy
Savannah Distributing Co. Inc
Clayton Morey
Georgia Crown Distributing


Dr. Lucas and David Artadi-Beno
David Aurilio
Dennis Kemp & Lou R. Blankenship
Gabriela Iglesias
Gail Crowder and Claude Wegscheider
Dr. James Davis and Tony Hall
James Fortier
John Stegall and Robert Thompson


In Honor of Andrew White - AGMC
Sharla Borghorst and Sue McHale
Tom Brumlik
Tom Sands
Bill and Cindy Humphries
Baker Jenner LLLP.
Tony and Missy Arasi
Donald Milton III and Dr. Fallon Moliere
James Peck

Joshua Bosin
Katie Culp
Ken Skalitzky
Marc Tammes
Matthew Wolke
Progress Software
Richard Johnson
Scott Sox


Allon Wright
Amanda Griffin
Andrew Calhoun
Anna Okula
Austin Alexander
Bailey Pope
Barry McCaleb
Benjamin White
Beth Arnold
Beth Young
Bobby Sanson
Brenda Duncan
Brian Ladouceur
Brian McGuire
Brian Smith
Brigid Byrne
Brooke Gunter
Carol Coppock
Catherine Kelley
Charles McEntire
Chris Pickle
Chris Prestel
Christie Howard
Clarke Latimer
Corey Goerdt
Crystal Ivey
Daniel Barker*
Dara Reynolds*
Darla Krause
Darrell Burke
David Clark Stuart
Deborah Campbell


Deborah Kelly
Dedric Carroll
Denise Sullivan
Dennis Kemp
Deserie McCauley
Diane Ricotta
Dillon Sayman
Doug Gathers Rosauer
Dr. David Olt
DuVane White
Edward Breeden
Edward Hebert
Elias Darham
Elizabeth Downes
Emma Vigneault
Erik Howell
Frank Hayn
Gabrielle Pe
Greg Wiggins
Gregory Whitmire
Howard Yorek
Hugh Simmons
J d Kellum
James Moody
Jane Adamson
Jason Royal
Jeanne Wood
Jeffrey Hoffman
Jenna Whiteaker
Jennifer Sutton
Jill Meiser
Joan Patton
Joe Labriola

John Culp
John Nay
John Wittgen
Jonathan Rue
Jordyn O’Malley
Jose Torres
Joshua Tripp
Judith Verdin
Judy Slater
Karen Clark
Karen Stern
Katherine Lobe
Katie Culp
Katie Manning
Kelly Wold
Kevin McCarthy
Lance Strahan
Laura Cauthen
Leslie Sorensen
Lila Bradley*
Lily WhiteRose
Linda Strahan
Meg Cocroft
Megan Buzzard
Micky O’Leary
Mike Bush
Monica Thieu
Nancy Durkin
Neil Hediger
Paul Neveux
Paul Newman
Rachel Klein

Rachel Patton
Rajiv Grover
Randy Hardy
Reatha Clark
Renee Houle
Richard Lee
Robert Thompson
Sally Dorn
Samuel R Bowers
Sandra Rose
Sarah Kody
Scott Oglesbay
Sean McClenney
Sean Vogt
Shannon Prewitt
Sharman Colosetti
Sion New
Sonya Zinn
Steven Dondero
Steven Ethridge
Terri Budde
Terri Mongeon
Terrie Adkins
Theresa Kolo
Tim McDonald
Tina Hearne
Toby Pease
Tom Brumlik*
Travis Adams
Valerie Burton
William Fleming

* denotes Fermata Sustaining Donors

Voices of Note Patrons

  • Investors

    • Recognition on VON website of gifts of $100-$999

  • $1,000+ Patrons

    • Exclusive Pre-sale ticket sales
    • Name recognition in program and on VON website
    • VIP reception prior to concert (where applicable)

  • $2,500+ Patrons

    • Exclusive Pre-sale ticket sales
    • 2 complimentary tickets to all publicly scheduled concerts
    • Name recognition in program and on VON website
    • VIP reception prior to concert (where applicable)
    • Complimentary Digital Download of AGMC or AWC Performance

  • $5,000+ Patrons

    • Exclusive Pre-sale ticket sales
    • 2 complimentary tickets to all publicly scheduled concerts
    • Name recognition in program and on VON website
    • VIP reception prior to concert (where applicable)
    • Complimentary digital download of one AGMC or AWC Performance
    • Exclusive invitation to attend an AGMC or AWC rehearsal

  • $10,000+ Champion Patrons

    • Exclusive Pre-sale ticket sales
    • 4 complimentary tickets to all publicly scheduled concerts
    • Name recognition in program and on VON website
    • VIP reception prior to concert (where applicable)
    • Complimentary digital download of one AGMC or AWC Performance
    • Exclusive invitation to attend an AGMC or AWC rehearsal
    • Private Dinner for you and a guest with one of the Artistic Directors of AGMC or AWC and the VON Executive Director

  • $15,000+ Cornerstone Patrons

    • Exclusive Pre-sale ticket sales
    • 6 complimentary tickets to all publicly scheduled concerts
    • Name recognition in program and on VON website
    • VIP reception prior to concert (where applicable)
    • Complimentary digital download of two AGMC or AWC Performances
    • Exclusive invitation to attend an AGMC or AWC rehearsal
    • Private Dinner for you and a guest with one of the Artistic Directors of AGMC or AWC and the VON Executive Director

  • $25,000+ Visionary Patrons

    • Exclusive Pre-sale ticket sales
    • 8 complimentary tickets to all publicly scheduled concerts
    • Name recognition in program and on VON website
    • VIP reception prior to concert (where applicable)
    • Complimentary digital download of two AGMC or AWC Performances
    • Exclusive invitation to attend an AGMC or AWC rehearsal
    • Private Dinner for you and a guest with one of the Artistic Directors of AGMC or AWC and the VON Executive Director
    • Producer Credit for one concert of your choice
    • Private engagement appearance with AGMC’s Panache or AWC’s Sorellanza Singers